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LocaliQ is a search engine marketing (SEM) provider that specializes in advertising to consumers in local markets. As a certified Google Premier Partner, LocaliQ brings expertise and inside knowledge that digital marketing agencies can leverage to bring the best online advertising results for our clients.

Since its inception in 2004, the company has developed various technologies to assist their clients in publishing campaigns, and tracking, optimizing, and reporting results for a variety of their services.


Why LocaliQ for Paid Search Advertising Campaigns

Not only is LocaliQ part of the USA Today Network, they also own WordStream (once keyword planning tool, now pay-per-click giant and industry leading resource for all things digital marketing).

  • Breadth of advertising options We work closely with LocaliQ to provide you with optimal service and results for digital ad campaigns from lead generation services like pay-per-click (PPC) to brand awareness solutions like geofencing, and Facebook/Instagram ads.
  • Low cost-per-clicks They buy ads in bulk from their direct partnership with Google. As such, we are able to get the lowest CPCs on the market through LocaliQ.
  • Additional support & knowledge We also get to leverage a team of engineers and analysts that monitor campaigns behind the scenes to supplement our in-house team with additional insights.
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