Still sweating it over links? It’s true, our industry and what’s hot can change in the blink of an eye, especially when it comes to SEO and what Google is measuring changing rapidly. But Google’s Gary Illyes sheds some light on the links situation that may let all SEO strategists breathe a collective sigh of relief – links are no longer considered a top-ranking factor. To discuss all things SEO with our digital marketing agency in Edmonton, call Smart WSI Marketing for a consultation.
Proper link building can be stressful. It takes a lot of work and can be very time consuming. It takes a lot of attention to detail and if you cut corners, it can land you in some hot water. This isn’t to say that if you want to include links in your SEO strategy that its now OK to buy a few links from those “too good to be true” pop-up ads. Believe us, they are still too good to be true! (For more information on why to avoid those, check out the blog we published in March 2024.) What it does mean is that SEO strategists no longer have to pour blood, sweat, and sometimes literally tears into our link building efforts, as they have moved further down the list of importance when it comes to ranking factors.
Links used to be central to SEO strategies. Links serve as a digital nod to search engines from another related site that your website is relevant and has authority, like it’s saying “hey, this guy’s ok!” to Google and other SERPs. And it’s been that way since the 90s. However, there are so many other factors to let the SERPs know that your business and your website is up to snuff that it just does not take as many links as it used to get their stamp of approval. Think of Google’s ever-evolving N-E-E-A-T-T acronym. With all of that to consider, there is so much more at play here than before when it comes to determining the worth of a website when it comes to SEO and rank.
Advances in technology and AI mean that Google is getting smarter! The internet at large understands language and user intent much better than it used to. This also lightens the load on links. It’s so much easier now for Google to understand what your website is about and why a user would get value out of it without other websites needing to tell the SERPs that you’ve got what it takes.
Besides the multitude of other ranking factors, Google’s getting tired of the black hats trying to cheat them. After rolling out updates like Penguin, some less honest SEO agencies (or maybe those who simply don’t know better) are still trying to cut corners and save time. Don’t mess with The Google. It never ends well for you!
Not necessarily! Links still matter and still have a place; they have simply fallen down the list of the most important ranking factors. They’re all part of a bigger picture of what your SEO ecosystem needs to thrive. Instead of focusing on links, focus on content that’s worth reading, a website that’s easy to navigate, and making sure your technical bits are in order. This could help your rank higher in the long run and make links easier to come by.
Google’s John Mueller has said that Google is likely to even axe the disavow link tool from Google’s Search Console in the future, as the tool is slowly becoming irrelevant. Google can pretty much tell which links to pay attention to and which aren’t worth it’s time without a special tool to tell it that. In fact, Bing has already done away with it’s equivalent.
Google's shift from valuing links so highly is a sign of the times. It’s about a smarter, more nuanced approach to SEO. For businesses and SEO strategists, this means evolving with the times—expanding strategies and really honing in on providing value. It's not just about playing the game; it's about setting a new standard. Don’t neglect your links all together but focus on your E-A-T-T game and your SEO strategy should be in good shape. To develop a strategy that suits your business, call Smart WSI Marketing, your Edmonton SEO agency, today to book a free consultation!